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Learn how to Plot a ROC Curve The usage of ggplot2 (With Examples)

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Logistic Regression is a statistical form that we virtue to suit a regression type when the reaction variable is binary. To assess how neatly a logistic regression type suits a dataset, we will have a look at refer to two metrics:

  • Sensitivity: The prospect that the type predicts a favorable result for an remark when certainly the end result is certain.
  • Specificity: The prospect that the type predicts a damaging result for an remark when certainly the end result is damaging.

One simple strategy to visualize those two metrics is via making a ROC curve, which is a plot that presentations the sensitivity and specificity of a logistic regression type.

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This instructional explains the way to assemble and interpret a ROC curve in R the usage of the ggplot2 visualization package deal.

Instance: ROC Curve The usage of ggplot2

Assume we are compatible refer to logistic regression type in R:

#load Default dataset from ISLR secure
knowledge <- ISLR::Default

#divide dataset into coaching and take a look at poised
pattern <- pattern(c(TRUE, FALSE), nrow(knowledge), exchange=TRUE, prob=c(0.7,0.3))
teach <- knowledge[sample, ]
take a look at <- knowledge[!sample, ]

#are compatible logistic regression type to coaching poised
type <- glm(default~scholar+steadiness+source of revenue, public="binomial", knowledge=teach)

#virtue type to form predictions on take a look at poised
predicted <- expect(type, take a look at, kind="reaction")

To visualise how neatly the logistic regression type plays at the take a look at poised, we will assemble a ROC plot the usage of the ggroc() serve as from the pROC package deal:

#load vital programs

#outline object to plan
rocobj <- roc(take a look at$default, predicted)

#assemble ROC plot

ROC curve in ggplot2

The y-axis presentations the sensitivity (the actual certain price) of the type and the x-axis presentations the specificity (the actual damaging price) of the type.

Word that we will upload some styling to the plot and likewise grant a identify that incorporates the AUC (section beneath the curve) for the plot:

#load vital programs

#outline object to plan and calculate AUC
rocobj <- roc(take a look at$default, predicted)
auc <- spherical(auc(take a look at$default, predicted),4)

#assemble ROC plot
ggroc(rocobj, color="steelblue", measurement = 2) +
  ggtitle(paste0('ROC Curve ', '(AUC = ', auc, ')'))

ROC curve with AUC in ggplot2

Word that we will additionally alter the theme of the plot:

#assemble ROC plot with minimum theme
ggroc(rocobj, color="steelblue", measurement = 2) +
  ggtitle(paste0('ROC Curve ', '(AUC = ', auc, ')')) +

ROC curve in R using ggplot2

Please see this text for a information to the most efficient ggplot2 subject matters.

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