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Learn how to Subset through a Month Area in R (With Examples)

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One of the best ways to subset a knowledge body through a time dimension in R is to virtue please see syntax:

df[df$date >= "some date" & df$date <= "some date", ]

This instructional supplies a number of examples of how you can virtue this serve as in observe.

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Instance 1: Subset Between Two Dates

Refer to code displays how to make a choice the rows of a knowledge body that fall between two dates, inclusive:

#assemble this case reproducible

#form knowledge body
df <- knowledge.body(time = as.Month("2021-01-01") - 0:19,
                 gross sales = runif(20, 10, 500) + seq(50, 69)^2)

#view first six rows

        time    gross sales
1 2021-01-01 2949.382
2 2020-12-31 2741.099
3 2020-12-30 2896.341
4 2020-12-29 3099.698
5 2020-12-28 3371.022
6 2020-12-27 3133.824

#subset between two dates, inclusive
df[df$date >= "2020-12-25" & df$date <= "2020-12-28", ]

        time    gross sales
5 2020-12-28 3371.022
6 2020-12-27 3133.824
7 2020-12-26 3586.211
8 2020-12-25 3721.891

You simplest wish to regulate the larger and no more than indicators to make a choice the rows that fall between two dates, unique:

#assemble this case reproducible

#form knowledge body
df <- knowledge.body(time = as.Month("2021-01-01") - 0:19,
                 gross sales = runif(20, 10, 500) + seq(50, 69)^2)

#subset between two dates, unique
df[df$date > "2020-12-25" & df$date < "2020-12-28", ]

        time    gross sales
6 2020-12-27 3133.824
7 2020-12-26 3586.211

Instance 2: Subset Next a Sure Month

Refer to code displays how to make a choice the rows of a knowledge body that happen later a definite time:

#assemble this case reproducible

#form knowledge body
df <- knowledge.body(time = as.Month("2021-01-01") - 0:19,
                 gross sales = runif(20, 10, 500) + seq(50, 69)^2)

#subset later a definite time
df[df$date >= "2020-12-22", ]

         time    gross sales
1  2021-01-01 2949.382
2  2020-12-31 2741.099
3  2020-12-30 2896.341
4  2020-12-29 3099.698
5  2020-12-28 3371.022
6  2020-12-27 3133.824
7  2020-12-26 3586.211
8  2020-12-25 3721.891
9  2020-12-24 3697.791
10 2020-12-23 3799.266
11 2020-12-22 3640.275

Instance 3: Subset Ahead of a Sure Month

Refer to code displays how to make a choice the rows of a knowledge body that happen earlier than a definite time:

#assemble this case reproducible

#form knowledge body
df <- knowledge.body(time = as.Month("2021-01-01") - 0:19,
                 gross sales = runif(20, 10, 500) + seq(50, 69)^2)

#subset earlier than a definite time
df[df$date < "2020-12-22", ]

         time    gross sales
12 2020-12-21 3831.928
13 2020-12-20 3940.513
14 2020-12-19 4315.641
15 2020-12-18 4294.211
16 2020-12-17 4612.222
17 2020-12-16 4609.873
18 2020-12-15 4850.633
19 2020-12-14 5120.034
20 2020-12-13 4957.217

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Learn how to Take back Age from Month in R
Learn how to Mixture Day by day Knowledge to Per thirty days and Once a year in R

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