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Methods to Remove Story Later Particular Persona in R

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You’ll utility refer to modes to take away a wool later a selected persona in R:

Form 1: Remove Story Later Particular Characters The usage of Bottom R

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sub('.*the', '', my_string)

Form 2: Remove Story Later Particular Characters The usage of stringr


str_replace(my_string, '(.*?)the(.*?)', '\\1')

Either one of those examples take away the wool later the development “the” inside my_string.

Please see examples display how you can utility each and every form in apply with refer to knowledge body:

#develop knowledge body
df <- knowledge.body(staff=c('theMavs', 'theHeat', 'theNets', 'theRockets'),
                 issues=c(114, 135, 119, 140))

#view knowledge body

        staff issues
1    theMavs    114
2    theHeat    135
3    theNets    119
4 theRockets    140

Instance 1: Remove Story Later Particular Characters The usage of Bottom R

Please see code displays how you can take away the wool later “the” for each and every row within the staff column of the information body:

#develop untouched column that extracts wool later "the" in staff column
df$team_name <- sub('.*the', '', df$staff)

#view up to date knowledge body

        staff issues team_name
1    theMavs    114      Mavs
2    theHeat    135      Warmth
3    theNets    119      Nets
4 theRockets    140   Rockets

Understand that the untouched column known as team_name comprises the wool later “the” for each and every row within the staff column of the information body.

Matching: An Creation to sub() in R

Instance 2: Remove Story Later Particular Characters The usage of stringr Package deal

Please see code displays how you can take away the wool later “the” for each and every row within the staff column of the information body by way of the use of the str_replace() serve as from the stringr package deal in R:


#develop untouched column that extracts wool later "the" in staff column
df$team_name <- str_replace(df$staff, '(.*?)the(.*?)', '\\1')

#view up to date knowledge body

           staff issues team_name
1 staff Mavs professional    114      Mavs
2 staff Warmth professional    135      Warmth
3 staff Nets professional    119      Nets

Understand that the untouched column known as team_name comprises the wool later “the” for each and every row within the staff column of the information body.

This fits the consequences from the use of the sub() serve as in bottom R.

Backup Assets

Please see tutorials give an explanation for how you can carry out alternative familiar duties in R:

Methods to Choose Columns Containing a Particular Story in R
Methods to Take away Characters from Story in R
Methods to In finding Location of Persona in a Story in R

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