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Rename Information in R (With Examples)

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You’ll importance please see forms to rename recordsdata in R:

Form 1: Rename One Record

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document.rename(from='old_name.csv', to='new_name.csv')

Form 2: Substitute Development in More than one Information

document.rename(checklist.recordsdata(development ='impaired'),
            str_replace(checklist.recordsdata(development='impaired'), development='impaired', 'fresh'))

Please see examples display methods to importance each and every mode in observe.

Instance: Rename One Record

Assume now we have a folder with 4 CSV recordsdata in R:

#show all recordsdata in flow operating listing

"data1.csv"  "data2_good.csv"  "data3_good.csv"  "data4_good.csv"

We will be able to importance please see code to rename the document referred to as data1.csv to data1_good.csv:

#rename one document
document.rename(from='data1.csv', to='data1_good.csv')

#show all recordsdata in flow operating listing

"data1_good.csv"  "data2_good.csv"  "data3_good.csv"  "data4_good.csv"

Realize that the document has been effectively renamed.

Instance: Substitute Development in More than one Information

Assume now we have a folder with 4 CSV recordsdata in R:

#show all recordsdata in flow operating listing

"data1_good.csv"  "data2_good.csv"  "data3_good.csv"  "data4_good.csv"

We will be able to importance please see code to exchange “good” with “bad” within the identify of each and every unmarried document:


document.rename(checklist.recordsdata(development ='just right'),
            str_replace(checklist.recordsdata(development='just right'), development='just right', 'unholy'))

#show all recordsdata in flow operating listing

"data1_bad.csv"  "data2_bad.csv"  "data3_bad.csv"  "data4_bad.csv"

Realize that “good” has been changed with “bad” within the identify of each and every CSV document.

Indistinguishable:  Virtue str_replace in R

Extra Assets

Please see tutorials provide an explanation for methods to carry out alternative familiar operations with recordsdata in R:

Import CSV Information into R
Import Excel Information into R
Virtue setwd / getwd in R

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