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The best way to Calculate Percentile Rank in R (2 Examples)

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The percentile rank of a worth tells us the proportion of values in a dataset that rank equivalent to or under a given price.

You’ll utility refer to modes to calculate percentile rank in R:

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Form 1: Calculate Percentile Rank for Whole Dataset


df %>%
  mutate(percent_rank = rank(x)/range(x))

Form 2: Calculate Percentile Rank through Staff


df %>%
  group_by(group_var) %>%
  mutate(percent_rank = rank(x)/range(x))

Refer to examples display easy methods to utility each and every form in observe with refer to knowledge body:

#build knowledge body
df <- knowledge.body(group=rep(c('A', 'B'), each and every=7),
                 issues=c(2, 5, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 22, 24, 30, 31, 38, 39))

#view knowledge body

   group issues
1     A      2
2     A      5
3     A      5
4     A      7
5     A      9
6     A     13
7     A     15
8     B     17
9     B     22
10    B     24
11    B     30
12    B     31
13    B     38
14    B     39

Instance 1: Calculate Percentile Rank for Whole Dataset

Refer to code presentations easy methods to utility purposes from the dplyr bundle in R to calculate the percentile rank of each and every price within the issues column:


#calculate percentile rank of issues values
df %>%
  mutate(percent_rank = rank(issues)/range(issues))

   group issues percent_rank
1     A      2   0.07142857
2     A      5   0.17857143
3     A      5   0.17857143
4     A      7   0.28571429
5     A      9   0.35714286
6     A     13   0.42857143
7     A     15   0.50000000
8     B     17   0.57142857
9     B     22   0.64285714
10    B     24   0.71428571
11    B     30   0.78571429
12    B     31   0.85714286
13    B     38   0.92857143
14    B     39   1.00000000

Right here’s easy methods to interpret the values within the percent_rank column:

  • 7.14% of the issues values are equivalent to or not up to 2.
  • 17.86% of the issues values are equivalent to or not up to 5.
  • 28.57% of the issues values are equivalent to or not up to 7.

And so forth.

Instance 2: Calculate Percentile Rank through Staff

Refer to code presentations easy methods to utility purposes from the dplyr bundle in R to calculate the percentile rank of each and every price within the issues column, grouped through group:


#calculate percentile rank of issues values grouped through group
df %>%
  group_by(group) %>%
  mutate(percent_rank = rank(issues)/range(issues))

# A tibble: 14 x 3
# Teams:   group [2]
   group  issues percent_rank
 1 A          2        0.143
 2 A          5        0.357
 3 A          5        0.357
 4 A          7        0.571
 5 A          9        0.714
 6 A         13        0.857
 7 A         15        1    
 8 B         17        0.143
 9 B         22        0.286
10 B         24        0.429
11 B         30        0.571
12 B         31        0.714
13 B         38        0.857
14 B         39        1   

Right here’s easy methods to interpret the values within the percent_rank column:

  • 14.3% of the issues values for group A are equivalent to or not up to 2.
  • 35.7% of the issues values for group A are equivalent to or not up to 5.
  • 57.1% of the issues values for group A are equivalent to or not up to 7.

And so forth.

Backup Sources

Refer to tutorials give an explanation for easy methods to carry out alternative regular duties in R:

The best way to Calculate Percentiles in R
The best way to Calculate Quartiles in R
The best way to Calculate Quantiles through Staff in R

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