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The right way to Significance the relocate() Serve as in dplyr (With Examples)

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You’ll be able to virtue the relocate() serve as from the dplyr package deal in R to modify the column positions in an information body.

You’ll be able to virtue refer to modes to modify the column positions:

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Mode 1: Exit One Column to Entrance

#travel 'x' column to entrance
df %>% relocate(x)

Mode 2: Exit A number of Columns to Entrance

#travel 'x' and 'y' columns to entrance
df %>% relocate(x, y)

Mode 3: Exit Column to Place Next Every other Column

#travel 'x' column to put then 'y' column
df %>% relocate(x, .then=y)

Mode 4: Exit Column to Place Sooner than Every other Column

#travel 'x' column to put prior to 'y' column
df %>% relocate(x, .prior to=y)

Please see examples display each and every form with refer to information body:

#form dataset
df <- information.body(group=c('A', 'A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'C', 'C'),
                 issues=c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7),
                 assists=c(1, 5, 2, 3, 2, 2, 0),
                 rebounds=c(6, 6, 10, 12, 8, 8, 3))

#view dataset

  group issues assists rebounds
1    A      1       1        6
2    A      2       5        6
3    A      3       2       10
4    B      4       3       12
5    B      5       2        8
6    C      6       2        8
7    C      7       0        3

Instance 1: Exit One Column to Entrance

Please see code presentations virtue the relocate() serve as to travel one column to the entrance:

#travel 'assists' column to entrance
df %>% relocate(assists)

  assists group issues rebounds
1       1    A      1        6
2       5    A      2        6
3       2    A      3       10
4       3    B      4       12
5       2    B      5        8
6       2    C      6        8
7       0    C      7        3

Instance 2: Exit A number of Columns to Entrance

Please see code presentations virtue the relocate() serve as to travel a couple of columns to the entrance:

#travel 'issues' and 'assists' to entrance
df %>% relocate(issues, assists)

  issues assists group rebounds
1      1       1    A        6
2      2       5    A        6
3      3       2    A       10
4      4       3    B       12
5      5       2    B        8
6      6       2    C        8
7      7       0    C        3

Instance 3: Exit Column to Place Next Every other Column

Please see code presentations virtue the relocate() serve as to travel one column to a selected place then any other column:

#travel 'group' column to then 'assists' column
df %>% relocate(group, .then=assists)

  issues assists group rebounds
1      1       1    A        6
2      2       5    A        6
3      3       2    A       10
4      4       3    B       12
5      5       2    B        8
6      6       2    C        8
7      7       0    C        3

Instance 4: Exit Column to Place Sooner than Every other Column

Please see code presentations virtue the relocate() serve as to travel one column to a selected place prior to any other column:

#travel 'group' column to prior to 'rebounds' column
df %>% relocate(group, .prior to=rebounds)

  issues assists group rebounds
1      1       1    A        6
2      2       5    A        6
3      3       2    A       10
4      4       3    B       12
5      5       2    B        8
6      6       2    C        8
7      7       0    C        3

Extra Assets

Please see tutorials provide an explanation for carry out alternative habitual purposes the use of dplyr:

The right way to Take away Rows The usage of dplyr
The right way to Organize Rows The usage of dplyr
The right way to Filter out via A couple of Situations The usage of dplyr

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