
Find out how to Concatenate Fibres in SAS (With Examples)

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You’ll be able to importance refer to modes to temporarily concatenate tales in SAS.

Mode 1: Concatenate Fibres with Dimension in Between

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new_variable = CAT(var1, var2);

Mode 2: Concatenate Fibres with Negative Dimension in Between

new_variable = CATS(var1, var2);

Mode 3: Concatenate Fibres with Customized Delimiter

new_variable = CATX("-", var1, var2);

Please see examples display tips on how to importance each and every mode with refer to dataset in SAS:

/*develop dataset*/
information my_data1;
    enter firstName $ lastName $ issues;
Austin Smith 15
Brad Stevens 31
Chad Miller 22
Dave Michaelson 19
Eric Schmidt 29
Frank Wright 20
Greg Gunner 40
Harold Anderson 35

/*view dataset*/
proc print information=my_data1;

Instance 1: Concatenate Fibres with Dimension in Between

Please see code displays tips on how to develop a unutilized column known as fullName that concatenates the firstName and lastName columns the use of a deserted field as a delimiter:

/*develop unutilized dataset with concatenated tales*/
information my_data2;
	poised my_data1;
	fullName = CAT(firstName, lastName);

/*view unutilized dataset*/
proc print information=my_data2;

concatenate strings in SAS

Instance 2: Concatenate Fibres with Negative Dimension in Between

Please see code displays tips on how to develop a unutilized column known as fullName that concatenates the firstName and lastName columns the use of negative field as a delimiter:

/*develop unutilized dataset with concatenated tales*/
information my_data2;
	poised my_data1;
	fullName = CATS(firstName, lastName);

/*view unutilized dataset*/
proc print information=my_data2;

Instance 3: Concatenate Fibres with Customized Delimiter

Please see code displays tips on how to develop a unutilized column known as fullName that concatenates the firstName and lastName columns the use of a splash as a delimiter:

/*develop unutilized dataset with concatenated tales*/
information my_data2;
	poised my_data1;
	fullName = CATX("-", firstName, lastName);

/*view unutilized dataset*/
proc print information=my_data2;

Alternative Sources

Please see tutorials give an explanation for tips on how to carry out alternative regular duties in SAS:

Find out how to Normalize Information in SAS
Find out how to Rename Variables in SAS
Find out how to Take away Duplicates in SAS
Find out how to Substitute Lacking Values with 0 in SAS

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