
Find out how to Importance Proc Contents in SAS (With Examples)

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You’ll usefulness proc contents in SAS to print a abstract of the contents of a dataset.

Refer to instance displays usefulness this process in apply.

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Instance: The usage of Proc Contents in SAS

Think we now have refer to dataset in SAS that comprises details about diverse basketball gamers:

/*develop dataset*/
information original_data;
    enter group $ issues rebounds;
A 12 8
A 12 8
A 12 8
A 23 9
A 20 12
A 14 7
A 14 7
B 20 2
B 20 5
B 29 4
B 14 7
B 20 2
B 20 2
B 20 5

/*view dataset*/
proc print information=original_data;

We will usefulness proc contents to procure a abstract of the contents within the dataset:

/*view contents of dataset*/
proc contents information=original_data;

The primary desk within the output shows diverse details about the dataset however probably the most helpful values come with:

  • Information Prepared Title: The title of the dataset (original_data)
  • Observations: The choice of rows within the dataset (14)
  • Variables: The choice of columns within the dataset (3)

The second one desk within the output shows details about the engine and host worn in SAS. Most often, this data received’t be in particular helpful to you.

The 3rd desk shows an alphabetical record of the variables within the dataset in conjunction with their information sort and space.

From this desk we will see:

  • issues is a numeric variable
  • rebounds is a numeric variable
  • group is a personality variable

For those who would rather like those variables to be displayed within the series they seem within the dataset, you’ll usefulness series=varnum as follows:

/*view contents of dataset and reserve fresh series of variables*/
proc contents information=original_data series=varnum;

The 3rd desk within the output will now show an inventory of variables within the series during which they seem within the dataset:


On this educational we noticed that proc contents can also be worn in SAS to procure a abstract of the contents of a dataset.

Specifically, we noticed that proc contents comes in handy for acquiring refer to knowledge:

  • The dimensions of a dataset (choice of columns and rows)
  • The names and knowledge form of every variable within the dataset

In apply, we incessantly usefulness proc contents sooner than appearing any form of statistical research simply to achieve a greater figuring out of the dimensions and construction of a dataset.

Alternative Sources

Refer to tutorials give an explanation for carry out alternative familiar duties in SAS:

Find out how to Importance Proc Abstract in SAS
Find out how to Importance Proc Tabulate in SAS
Find out how to Importance Proc Rank in SAS

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