
How one can Import Excel Information into SAS (With Instance)

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You’ll worth proc import to temporarily import knowledge from an Excel record into SAS.

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This process makes use of please see unsophisticated syntax:

/*import knowledge from Excel record referred to as my_data.xlsx*/
proc import out=my_data

Right here’s what each and every series does:

  • out: Title to offer dataset as soon as imported into SAS
  • datafile: Location of Excel record to import
  • dbms: Layout of record being imported
  • change: Substitute the record if it already exists
  • getnames: Importance first row as variable names (Eager to NO if first row does no longer comprise variable names)

Refer to instance presentations methods to worth this serve as in follow.

Instance: Import Information from Excel Document into SAS

Assume we have now please see dataset in Excel:

We will worth please see code to import this dataset into SAS and speak to it new_data:

/*import knowledge from Excel record referred to as my_data.xlsx*/
proc import out=new_data

/*view dataset*/
proc print knowledge=new_data;

The information proven within the SAS output fits the knowledge proven within the Excel record.

Be aware: We impaired getnames=YES when uploading the record because the first row of the Excel record contained variable names.

Extra Assets

Refer to tutorials provide an explanation for methods to carry out alternative habitual duties in SAS:

How one can Export Information from SAS to Excel Document
How one can Export Information from SAS to CSV Document

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