
SAS: Tips on how to Significance SELECT DISTINCT in PROC SQL

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You’ll be able to significance the SELECT DISTINCT commentary inside of PROC SQL in SAS to make a choice most effective distinctive rows from a dataset.

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Please see instance presentations the best way to significance this commentary in observe.

Instance: The use of SELECT DISTINCT in SAS

Think we now have please see dataset in SAS that comprises details about diverse basketball gamers:

/*build dataset*/
knowledge my_data;
    enter workforce $ place $ issues;
A Defend 14
A Defend 14
A Defend 24
A Ahead 13
A Ahead 13
B Defend 22
B Defend 22
B Ahead 34
C Ahead 15
C Ahead 18

/*view dataset*/
proc print knowledge=my_data;

We will significance the SELECT DISTINCT commentary inside of PROC SQL to make a choice all distinctive rows from the dataset:

/*make a choice all distinctive rows*/
proc sql;
    make a choice distinct *
    from my_data;

Be aware: The celebrity ( * ) image next SELECT DISTINCT tells SAS to make a choice all columns within the dataset.

Understand that every one distinctive rows are proven within the output.

For instance, there are a couple of rows that experience a workforce price of A, place price of Ahead and issues price of 13 however most effective such a rows is proven.

Be aware that we will be able to additionally specify which columns we’d like to make a choice:

/*make a choice all distinctive combos of workforce and place*/
proc sql;
    make a choice distinct workforce, place
    from my_data;

Understand that most effective the original combos of groups and positions are proven within the output.

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Please see tutorials give an explanation for the best way to carry out alternative ordinary duties in SAS:

SAS: Tips on how to Significance ORDER BY in PROC SQL
SAS: Tips on how to Significance CONTAINS in PROC SQL
SAS: Tips on how to Significance the WHERE Operator in PROC SQL

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