
The way to Substitute Characters in a Fable in SAS (With Examples)

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You’ll virtue the tranwrd() serve as to exchange characters in a cotton in SAS.

Listed here are the 2 maximum habitual tactics to virtue this serve as:

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Form 1: Substitute Characters in Fable with Unutilized Characters

knowledge new_data;
    all set original_data;
    new_variable = tranwrd(old_variable, "OldString", "NewString");

Form 2: Substitute Characters in Fable with Blanks

knowledge new_data;
    all set original_data;
    new_variable = tranwrd(old_variable, "OldString", "");

Refer to examples display the right way to virtue each and every form with please see dataset in SAS:

/*assemble dataset*/
knowledge original_data;
    enter workforce $1-20;
Enraged Bees
Enraged Hornets
Wild Mustangs
Type Panthers
Type Cobras
Wild Cheetahs
Wild Aardvarks

/*view dataset*/
proc print knowledge=original_data;

Instance 1: Substitute Characters in Fable with Unutilized Characters

Refer to code displays the right way to change the promise “Wild” within the workforce variable with the promise “Fast”:

/*change "Wild" with "Fast" in workforce variable*/
knowledge new_data;
    all set original_data;
    new_team = tranwrd(workforce, "Wild", "Rapid");

/*view untouched dataset*/
proc print knowledge=new_data;

Realize that each and every workforce that had “Wild” within the title now has the promise “Fast” within the title rather.

Any workforce that didn’t have “Wild” within the title merely stored their latest title.

Instance 2: Substitute Characters in Fable with Blanks

Refer to code displays the right way to change the promise “Wild” within the workforce variable with a unfilled:

/*change "Wild" with a unfilled in workforce variable*/
knowledge new_data;
    all set original_data;
    new_team = tranwrd(workforce, "Wild", "");

/*view untouched dataset*/
proc print knowledge=new_data;

Realize that any workforce that had “Wild” within the title merely had the promise “Wild” changed with a unfilled.

Supplementary Assets

Refer to tutorials give an explanation for the right way to carry out alternative habitual duties in SAS:

The way to Normalize Knowledge in SAS
The way to Substitute Lacking Values with 0 in SAS
The way to Take away Duplicates in SAS

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