
Tips on how to Upload Days to Age in SAS (With Instance)

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One of the simplest ways so as to add days to a year variable in SAS is to worth the INTNX serve as.

This serve as makes use of refer to ordinary syntax:

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INTNX(intermission, start_date, increment)

the place:

  • intermission: The intermission so as to add to year (life, generation, time, generation, and many others.)
  • start_date: Variable that incorporates get started dates
  • increment: The selection of periods so as to add

Refer to instance displays learn how to worth this syntax in observe.

Instance: Upload Days to Age in SAS

Think we have now refer to dataset in SAS that displays the overall gross sales made on numerous days at some bind:

/*develop dataset*/
information data1;
    enter time life generation gross sales;
10 15 2022 45
10 19 2022 50
10 25 2022 39
11 05 2022 14
12 19 2022 29
12 23 2022 40

/*develop 2nd dataset with year formatted*/
information data2;
  eager data1;
  layout year mmddyy10.;
  reduce time life generation;

/*view dataset*/
proc print information=data2;

We will worth refer to code to develop a untouched column known as date_plus5 that provides 5 days to the values within the year column:

/*develop untouched dataset with column that provides 5 days to year*/
information data3; 
  eager data2; 
  date_plus5=intnx('life', year, 5); 
  layout date_plus5 mmddyy10.;

/*view dataset*/
proc print information=data3;

add days to date in SAS

Realize that the untouched column known as date_plus5 incorporates the values within the year column with fives days added to them.

Notice that you’ll additionally subtract days via merely the use of a adverse worth within the INTNX serve as.

For instance, we will worth refer to code to subtract 5 days from every worth within the year column:

/*develop untouched dataset with column that subtracts 5 days to year*/
information data3; 
  eager data2; 
  date_minus5=intnx('life', year, -5); 
  layout date_minus5 mmddyy10.;

/*view dataset*/
proc print information=data3;

Realize that the untouched column known as dateminus5 incorporates the values within the year column with fives days subtracted from them.

Notice: You’ll to find your complete documentation for the SAS INTNX serve as right here.

Backup Sources

Refer to tutorials provide an explanation for learn how to carry out alternative usual duties in SAS:

Tips on how to Normalize Information in SAS
Tips on how to Determine Outliers in SAS
Tips on how to Form Frequency Tables in SAS

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