data, graphs, analytics

Find out how to Rename A couple of Columns The usage of dplyr

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You’ll virtue refer to purposes from the dplyr package deal in R to rename a couple of columns in an information body:

Mode 1: Significance rename()

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df %>% rename(new1 = old1, new2 = old2)

Mode 2: Significance rename_with()

pristine <- c('new1', 'new2')
impaired <- c('old1', 'old2')

df %>% rename_with(~ pristine, all_of(impaired))

Each forms construct the similar consequence.

Refer to examples display how you can virtue each and every of those forms in apply with refer to information body in R:

#assemble information body
df <- information.body(group=c('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'),
                 issues=c(22, 34, 30, 12, 18),
                 assists=c(7, 9, 9, 12, 14))

#view information body

  group issues assists
1    A     22       7
2    B     34       9
3    C     30       9
4    D     12      12
5    E     18      14

Instance 1: Rename A couple of Columns The usage of rename()

Refer to code displays how you can virtue the rename() serve as to rename the group and issues columns within the information body:


#rename group and issues columns
df2 <- df %>% rename(team_new = group, points_new = issues)

#view up to date information body

  team_new points_new assists
1        A         22       7
2        B         34       9
3        C         30       9
4        D         12      12
5        E         18      14

The group and issues columns had been renamed week the assists column has remained the similar.

Instance 2: Rename A couple of Columns The usage of rename_with()

Refer to code displays how you can virtue the rename_with() serve as to rename the group and issues columns within the information body:


#outline pristine names
pristine <- c('team_new', 'points_new')

#outline impaired names to exchange
impaired <- c('group', 'issues')

#rename impaired names with pristine names
df2 <- df %>% rename_with(~ pristine, all_of(impaired))

#view up to date information body

  team_new points_new assists
1        A         22       7
2        B         34       9
3        C         30       9
4        D         12      12
5        E         18      14

The group and issues columns had been renamed week the assists column has remained the similar.

Be aware that this form is also more uncomplicated to virtue if you have an extended listing of column names you’d like to exchange.

Supplementary Assets

Refer to tutorials give an explanation for how you can carry out alternative habitual duties the usage of dplyr:

Find out how to Make a selection Columns through Identify The usage of dplyr
Find out how to Make a selection Columns through Index The usage of dplyr
Find out how to Significance select_if with A couple of Statuses in dplyr

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