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How one can Rename Column by way of Index Place The use of dplyr

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You’ll usefulness refer to syntax to rename a column of an information body by way of index place the usage of dplyr:

Form 1: Rename One Column by way of Index

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#rename column in index place 1
df %>%
  rename(new_name1 = 1)

Form 2: Rename A couple of Columns by way of Index

#rename column in index positions 1, 2, and three
df %>%
  rename(new_name1 = 1,
         new_name2 = 2,
         new_name3 = 3)

Please see examples display methods to usefulness this syntax in follow.

Instance 1: Rename One Column by way of Index

Please see code displays methods to usefulness the rename() serve as to rename one column by way of index place:


#form information body
df <- information.body(staff=c('A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'B'),
                 issues=c(12, 14, 19, 24, 24, 22, 30, 9),
                 assists=c(4, 6, 6, 8, 3, 7, 8, 11))

#rename column in index place 1
df <- df %>%
        rename(team_new = 1)

#view up to date information body

  team_new issues assists
1        A     12       4
2        A     14       6
3        A     19       6
4        A     24       8
5        B     24       3
6        B     22       7
7        B     30       8
8        B      9      11

Realize that the primary column title used to be modified from staff to team_new and all alternative column names remained the similar.

Instance 2: Rename A couple of Columns by way of Index

Please see code displays methods to usefulness the rename() serve as to rename a couple of columns within the information body by way of index place:


#form information body
df <- information.body(staff=c('A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'B'),
                 issues=c(12, 14, 19, 24, 24, 22, 30, 9),
                 assists=c(4, 6, 6, 8, 3, 7, 8, 11))

#rename column in index place 1
df<- df %>%
       rename(team_new = 1,
              assists_new = 3)

#view up to date information body

  team_new issues assists_new
1        A     12           4
2        A     14           6
3        A     19           6
4        A     24           8
5        B     24           3
6        B     22           7
7        B     30           8
8        B      9          11

The column names in index place 1 and three modified, month the column title in index place 2 remained the similar.

Spare Assets

Please see tutorials provide an explanation for methods to carry out alternative ordinary purposes in dplyr:

How one can Make a choice Columns by way of Index The use of dplyr
How one can Take away Rows The use of dplyr
How one can Substitute NA with 0 in dplyr

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