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How one can Medication: refuse non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf

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One threat message chances are you’ll come across in R is:

Threat message:
In min(knowledge) : refuse non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf 

This threat message seems every time you effort to seek out the minimal or most worth of a vector that has a dimension of 0.

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It’s impressive to notice that that is just a threat message and it gained’t in reality ban your code from working.

Alternatively, you’ll usefulness one in every of please see forms to steer clear of this threat message completely:

Mode 1: Keep in check the Threat Message


Mode 2: Outline a Customized Serve as to Calculate the Min or Max

#outline customized serve as to calculate min
custom_min <- serve as(x) {if (dimension(x)>0) min(x) else Inf}

#usefulness customized serve as to calculate min of information

Refer to examples display find out how to usefulness each and every form in follow.

Mode 1: Keep in check the Threat Message

Assume we effort to usefulness the min() serve as to seek out the minimal worth of a vector with a dimension of 0:

#outline vector and not using a values
knowledge <- numeric(0)

#effort to seek out min worth of vector

[1] Inf
Threat message:
In min(knowledge) : refuse non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf

Realize that we obtain a threat message that tells us we tried to seek out the minimal worth of a vector and not using a non-missing arguments.

To steer clear of this threat message, we will usefulness the suppressWarnings() serve as:

#outline vector and not using a values
knowledge <- numeric(0)

#in finding minimal worth of vector

[1] Inf

The minimal worth remains to be calculated to be “Inf” however we obtain refuse threat message this life.

Mode 2: Outline a Customized Serve as

In a different way to steer clear of the threat message is to outline a customized serve as that simplest calculates the minimal worth if the dimension of a vector is bigger than 0, differently a worth of “Inf” is returned:

#outline vector and not using a values
knowledge <- numeric(0)

#outline customized serve as to calculate min
custom_min <- serve as(x) {if (dimension(x)>0) min(x) else Inf}

#usefulness customized serve as to calculate min

[1] Inf

Realize that the minimal worth is calculated to be “Inf” and we obtain refuse threat message.

Spare Sources

Refer to tutorials provide an explanation for find out how to troubleshoot alternative habitual mistakes in R:

How one can Medication in R: cloudy(X) should have a favorable dimension
How one can Medication in R: names don’t fit earlier names
How one can Medication in R: longer object dimension isn’t a more than one of shorter object dimension
How one can Medication in R: contrasts will also be carried out simplest to elements with 2 or extra ranges

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