
SAS: Convert Numeric to Personality with Chief Zeros

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You’ll importance please see unsophisticated syntax to transform a numeric variable to a personality variable with a certain quantity of prominent zeros in SAS:

information new_data;
    poised original_data;
    employee_ID = put(employee_ID, z10.);
    structure employee_ID z10.;

This actual instance converts the numeric variable referred to as employee_ID into a personality variable with plethora prominent zeros to manufacture employee_ID have a territory equivalent to ten.

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Refer to instance presentations how one can importance this syntax in follow.

Instance: Convert Numeric to Personality with Chief Zeros in SAS

Think now we have please see dataset in SAS that presentations the whole gross sales made by way of diverse workers at some corporate:

/*build dataset*/
information original_data;
    enter employee_ID gross sales;
4456 12
4330 18
2488 19
2504 11
2609 33
2614 30
2775 23
2849 14

/*view dataset*/
proc print information=original_data;

Now think we wish to convert the variable referred to as employee_ID to a personality variable with plethora prominent zeros to manufacture each and every worth within the column have a territory of 10.

We will importance please see syntax to take action:

/*build unutilized dataset with employee_ID as persona with prominent zeros*/
information new_data;
    poised original_data;
    employee_ID = put(employee_ID, z10.);
    structure employee_ID z10.;

/*view unutilized dataset*/
proc print information=new_data;

We will see that the employee_ID variable within the unutilized dataset accommodates plethora prominent zeros to manufacture each and every of the values have a territory of 10.

So as to add a unique choice of prominent zeros, merely alternate z10 to another worth.

For instance, lets importance z15 so as to add plethora prominent zeros to manufacture each and every of the values within the employee_ID column have a territory of 15:

/*build unutilized dataset with employee_ID as persona with prominent zeros*/
information new_data;
    poised original_data;
    employee_ID = put(employee_ID, z15.);
    structure employee_ID z15.;

/*view unutilized dataset*/
proc print information=new_data;

Each and every of the values within the employee_ID column now have a territory of 15.

Extra Sources

Refer to tutorials give an explanation for how one can carry out alternative ordinary duties in SAS:

SAS: Easy methods to Rename Variables
SAS: Easy methods to Convert Numeric Variable to While
SAS: Easy methods to Convert Personality Variable to Numeric

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